Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog
October 2022 Newsletter
Check out our October Newsletter that highlights celebrating National Physical Therapy Month, physical therapy for spinal stenosis, how to protect your back when raking leaves, physical therapy for tennis elbow, and our fall donation drive with the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Physical Therapy for Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a degenerative condition of the spine that involves narrowing of the openings within the vertebrae of the spinal column that results in too much pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, causing pain and weakness in the low back. Spinal stenosis can develop after the age of 50 due to the effect of aging and osteoarthritic wear and tear on the spine and spinal vertebrae. Physical therapy provides an effective treatment for spinal stenosis, helping patients regain function, mobility, and strength in their low back and relieving compression of the spinal nerves.
Common Swimming Injuries: Prevention and Treatment
Competitive swimming can place swimmers at a higher risk of shoulder pain due to the repetitive overhead motion required. The majority of swimming injuries are related to the shoulder, although injuries to the neck, back, and knee are also common. Physical therapy addresses these injuries through sport-specific training and a comprehensive rehabilitation program to improve strength, endurance, mobility, and stability.
Restoring Spinal Health with Physical Therapy
Your spine supports your body in all your daily activities and movements with nearly every movement originating from the spine. It’s critical to care for and strengthen the upper and lower spine for optimal function and to prevent injury. Back and neck pain are among the most common musculoskeletal spine-related injuries. Physical therapy can treat spine-related issues and restore strength and stability in the spine safely and effectively.