Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Movement, Injury Prevention Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Movement, Injury Prevention Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Injury Prevention Tips for Summer: Runners Edition

With the warmth of summer upon us, many are eager to enjoy the weather and take our workouts and our runs outside. Running has numerous benefits for your overall health—from strengthening your bones to reducing the risk of cancer. However, it is important to approach your summer runs with care to prevent injury and safely run in the heat. Take a look at our 10 Tips for safe, injury-free running this summer!

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Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

7 Physical Therapy Myths Busted

Mangiarelli Rehabilitation is debunking seven myths about physical therapy today on the blog. Myth #1: You need a referral from a doctor to receive physical therapy care. Fact #1: A physical therapist can treat a patient without a referral script from a doctor. Learn more about physical therapy insurance coverage, why you do not need an MRI prior to physical therapy in most cases, how physical therapy can be just as effective as surgery for certain conditions, and much more!

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Physical Therapy, Movement Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy, Movement Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

7 Tips to Stay Active at Home

Your body is built for movement. The more that you move, the better your body will function. Movement improves the overall function of the body, energy, mental health, brain health, and disease prevention. Adults should engage in physical activity 150 minutes a week, or thirty minutes a day, five days a week. At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, we know how important it is for your health that you stay active during this time of staying at home. We offer 7 Tips to Stay Active At Home in our blog today!

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