Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

March 2023 Newsletter

Check out our March 2023 Newsletter, highlighting physical therapy for frozen shoulder, our spring donation drive, how physical therapy can slow the aging process, and how to prevent an ankle sprain.

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Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Injury, Shoulder Pain, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Injury, Shoulder Pain, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is characterized by structural changes in the shoulder joint, primarily thickening of the tissues of the shoulder joint capsule which “freezes” movement and range of motion in the shoulder. Frozen shoulder can result from diabetes, thyroid disease, Parkinson’s disease, or due to a period of enforced immobility of the shoulder due to trauma to the joint, shoulder surgery, or overuse injuries to the shoulder. Physical therapy is the first line of treatment for frozen shoulder and is highly effective in speeding up the recovery process and regaining shoulder mobility at any stage of the condition.

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Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

January 2022 Newsletter

Check out our January 2022 Newsletter with updates including tips for setting health goals, a frozen shoulder infographic, fall risk screening, what’s the difference between manual therapy and massage, and a wellness program and pool renovations update.

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Frozen Shoulder, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Frozen Shoulder, Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Frozen Shoulder Infographic

Frozen shoulder is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint and can significantly reduce shoulder mobility. Frozen shoulder occurs when the shoulder capsule tissues thicken and become stiff, tight, and inflamed. This can occur after surgery due to enforced immobility of the shoulder, trauma to the joint, or joint inflammation. Physical therapy is recommended as the first line of treatment for frozen shoulder to increase shoulder mobility and regain range of motion. Check out our infographic to learn more!

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Biceps Tendinitis, Shoulder Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Biceps Tendinitis, Shoulder Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy for Biceps Tendinitis

Biceps tendinitis is a common cause of shoulder pain that develops due to repetitive, overhead movements that irritate and inflame the biceps tendon in the shoulder joint. Biceps tendinitis is often associated with a sharp pain in the front of the shoulder that worsens when engaging in an activity requiring overhead motion. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for biceps tendinitis involving pain management, manual therapy, activity modification, postural education, and therapeutic exercise to regain strength, coordination, and range of motion in the shoulder.

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Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy, Shoulder Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Frozen Shoulder: How Physical Therapy Can Restore Movement

Frozen shoulder results in stiffness, pain, and the inability to move or rotate your shoulder. Physical therapy is the first line of treatment to manage and address frozen shoulder, involving manual therapy and gentle stretching and strengthening exercises to restore normal range of motion. Learn how frozen shoulder develops, who it affects, and a video showcasing frozen shoulder stretching exercises on the blog.

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