Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog
Preventing Tennis Injuries with Physical Therapy
Tennis is a popular, dynamic sport that requires significant speed, agility, endurance, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness of the tennis player. Due to the intensity and repetitive motions of tennis, tennis players can suffer chronic overuse injuries like tennis elbow and rotator cuff tendinitis and acute injuries like ankle sprains. Physical therapists can help tennis players prevent injury through a strength and conditioning program tailored to their needs and abilities and provide targeted treatment for specific injuries to help tennis players return to competition with restored strength and mobility.
10 Spring Gardening Injury Prevention Tips
With the start of spring and warmer weather, it’s that time of year to get outside and build and tend your garden. Gardening has many health benefits, including reduced depression and anxiety, increased life satisfaction and quality of life, and consistent physical activity. However, gardening is a physically demanding activity and certain gardening tasks, like weeding, raking, digging, and mulching can place strain and stress on joints and muscles, particularly the back, neck, shoulders, knees, and wrists. Check out our 10 gardening tips to prevent injury this spring!
Physical Therapy for Wrist and Hand Injuries
Wrist and hand injuries are common as the complex structure of the wrist and hand are susceptible to irritation from overuse at work or sport or from excessive force placed on the wrist or hand when breaking a fall. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for wrist and hand injuries, helping control swelling and restoring range of motion, strength, and ability in the wrist and hand through manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and functional training.