Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

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June 2024 Newsletter

Check out our June 2024 Newsletter, highlighting 7 benefits of exercise for individuals with arthritis, benefits of physical therapy after a stroke infographic, and physical therapy's role in osteoporosis management.

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Stroke Recovery, Stroke Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Infographic Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Stroke Recovery, Stroke Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Infographic Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Benefits of Physical Therapy After a Stroke [Infographic]

Following a stroke, physical therapy is essential to help stroke survivors regain strength, coordination, balance, and motor control as well as address stroke-related physiological impairments through a supervised and customized exercise program. A stroke occurs when the blood flow to an area of the brain is decreased, obstructed, or stopped, which deprives the brain cells of oxygen, causing cell death. Physical therapists help stroke survivors optimize their function after the stroke, enhance their level of independence, and improve their quality of life. Check out our infographic on the benefits of physical therapy after a stroke!

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Exercise Rehabilitation After a Stroke

Physical therapy is critical after a stroke to regain strength, coordination, balance, motor control, and function. A stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off, depriving the brain cells of oxygen and leading to physical and cognitive impairments. Using a targeted exercise rehabilitation program early in the post-stroke recovery period, a physical therapist can help stroke survivors relearn basic motor skills, maximize their functional abilities, enhance their independence, and improve their quality of life.

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Stroke Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Stroke Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Recovering from a Stroke with Physical Therapy

In the United States, a stroke occurs every 40 seconds and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s movement, coordination, vision, speech, cognition, and emotional processing. A stroke occurs when blood flow in the brain is blocked or bleeds. It is therefore imperative that stroke survivors receive intensive rehabilitative care in the 3 months post-stroke to maximize their recovery and improve their quality of life. Physical therapists play a critical role in stroke recovery, helping stroke survivors maximize their functional abilities, relearn basic skills, and improve quality of life.

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Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

August 2021 Newsletter

Check out our August newsletter which highlights physical therapy treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction, how to relieve osteoarthritic knee pain with physical therapy, osteoporosis physical therapy management, and five benefits of physical therapy after a stroke.

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Stroke Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Stroke Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Benefits of Physical Therapy After a Stroke

After a stroke, physical therapy is essential to regain strength, balance, coordination, and muscle control. A stroke occurs when the blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off, depriving the brain cells of oxygen. This leads to the impairment of abilities that that area of the brain controls. Through a targeted and customized exercise program, physical therapists help stroke survivors optimize function, independence, and quality of life.

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Cardiovascular Health, Physical Therapy, Stroke Rehabilitation Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Cardiovascular Health, Physical Therapy, Stroke Rehabilitation Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

#NationalHeartMonth: Physical Therapy for Cardiovascular Health

February is #NationalHeartMonth, a month to highlight the importance of cardiovascular health and effective ways to prevent and address cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States; however, it is preventable through lifestyle choices, including exercise which prevents the onset and development of cardiovascular disease. Physical therapists help individuals exercise safely and effectively, designing a customized exercise program to prevent cardiovascular disease and using exercise as a therapeutic tool to improve the fitness and aerobic capacity of cardiovascular disease patients.

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Stroke Rehabilitation Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Stroke Rehabilitation Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Stroke Recovery Infographic

At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, we understand that a stroke can be a life-altering event in your family and in your life. As physical therapists, we are here to accompany you and your loved one through your stroke recovery. We work to help you restore function of affected limbs, regain movement and strength, and improve balance and coordination. Check out our Stroke Recovery Infographic to learn more!

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Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

June 2020 Newsletter

Mangiarelli Rehabilitation June 2020 Newsletter on the blog covering Mangiarelli Rehabilitation celebrating 10 Years of physical therapy care, stroke rehabilitation, sports medicine: ACL rehabilitation, and a COVID-19 Business Update.

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Stroke Rehabilitation:How Physical Therapy Supports Recovery

Nearly 800,000 people experience a stroke in the United States each year. Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in stroke rehabilitation. It helps a survivor regain movement, decrease disability, improve range of motion and function of affected limbs, relearn basic daily activities, and walk with coordination and balance. At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, it is our aim to provide you with high quality and personalized stroke rehabilitative care throughout the recovery process.

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