Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Physical Therapy for an AC Joint Sprain

Mangiarelli Rehabilitation physical therapist Bobby demonstrates 3 exercises you can do to prevent stiffness and regain mobility after an AC joint sprain. An AC joint sprain typically occurs due to a sudden fall on the shoulder that can push the shoulder blade away from the collarbone, straining or tearing the ligaments of the AC joint. Physical therapy is the first line of treatment for AC joint sprains and is highly effective in restoring shoulder mobility, strength, and function following an AC injury.

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Lacrosse Injury, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Lacrosse Injury, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy for Lacrosse Injuries

Lacrosse is a high-energy, full-body sport that combines quick sprints, agility, and coordination of the upper and lower extremities. Lacrosse injuries are more common in the lower extremities, particularly ankle sprains, ACL tears, shin splints, or hamstring or quadriceps muscle strains. Physical therapy can help lacrosse players not only address and recover from injuries during the lacrosse season, but also help prevent injury through a customized strength and conditioning program.

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Preventing Common Snowboarding Injuries with Physical Therapy

Snowboarding is an intense winter sport requiring excellent balance, coordination, and agility while descending packed snow-covered slopes at high speed. Due to the high speeds and momentum gained when snowboarding, injuries due to falling are common and most often involve injury to the upper body, such as wrist fractures, separated shoulders, ligament and tendon tears in the shoulder, and concussions. A physical therapist can help a snowboarder not only recover from injury and safely return to the slopes but also prepare for the snowboarding season through a targeted strength and conditioning program.

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Shoulder Separation Infographic

Check out our infographic on physical therapy for a shoulder separation. Shoulder separations occur when one or more of the ligaments that hold the clavicle and the scapula that form the AC joint become strained or torn. This is a common shoulder injury in football due to the high-contact and tackling nature of the sport. Physical therapy can effectively treat shoulder separations, helping athletes manage pain, restore shoulder mobility, and strength, and return to sport safely.

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Physical Therapy for a Shoulder Separation

A shoulder separation, or AC joint injury, involves a strain or tear of the ligaments of the joint that result in some form of separation between the clavicle and acromion. Shoulder separations are common among young male athletes who participate in high-contact sports like football and rugby. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for AC joint shoulder separations, helping to manage pain, restore shoulder mobility and strength, and return to sport and work safely through a progressive four-phase rehabilitation program.

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