Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog
Addressing Shin Splints During Track and Field Season
Shin splints are a common running overuse injury that involves inflammation of the tibia and surrounding muscles and tissues caused by repetitive stress placed on the lower leg. Shin splints commonly occur at the start of track and field season, when an athlete overexerts themselves or increases the frequency, duration, and intensity of their training too quickly such that the body cannot adjust to the stressor, leading to injury. Physical therapists can help athletes with shin splints recover pain-free movement, return to sport safely, and prevent future re-injury through a targeted exercise rehabilitation program.
June 2023 Newsletter
Check out our June 2023 Newsletter, highlighting punching out Parkinson's WFMJ local news feature, physical therapy for postpartum urinary stress incontinence, walking after a total hip replacement & femoral nerve palsy, and three exercises to address shin splints.
3 Exercises to Address Shin Splints
Mangiarelli Rehabilitation physical therapist Sarah demonstrates three exercises you can do to address shin splint pain. Shin splints are a common athletic injury that develops due to repetitive stress placed on the tibia, causing the surrounding muscles to strain and develop microtears where they connect to the shin bone. Physical therapists can help athletes with shin splints recover pain-free movement, return to sport safely, and prevent future reinjury through a targeted exercise rehabilitation program.
Physical Therapy for Lacrosse Injuries
Lacrosse is a high-energy, full-body sport that combines quick sprints, agility, and coordination of the upper and lower extremities. Lacrosse injuries are more common in the lower extremities, particularly ankle sprains, ACL tears, shin splints, or hamstring or quadriceps muscle strains. Physical therapy can help lacrosse players not only address and recover from injuries during the lacrosse season, but also help prevent injury through a customized strength and conditioning program.
September 2022 Newsletter
Check out our September newsletter which highlights physical therapy for hip impingement, treating shin splints during soccer season, exercises to improve your posture, and the benefits of rebounder therapy.
Treating Shin Splints During Soccer Season with Physical Therapy
Shin splints are a common soccer injury that involves inflammation of the tibia and surrounding muscles, which strain where they connect to the tibia and develop micro-tears, causing pain through the lower leg. Shin splints often occur early in the season during intense conditioning due to a rapid increase in the frequency and duration of exercise that places too much stress on the shin bone and muscles. Physical therapy can help soccer players manage shin splint-related pain, restore function and strength in the lower leg, and help athletes return to sport safely.
Preventing Track and Field Injuries with Physical Therapy
Track and field involve a variety of events that involve running, throwing, and jumping, which can place unique stress on the athlete’s body and contribute to injury. Track injuries are most often chronic overuse injuries such as runner’s knee, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and hamstring injuries. Physical therapists can help track and field athletes manage and recover from overuse injuries and prevent injury through therapeutic exercise, strength training, gait analysis, and manual therapy. Check out our 10 tips to prevent injury this track season!
Physical Therapy for Common Soccer Injuries
Soccer is an incredibly popular sport with over 13 million Americans playing soccer, three million of whom are youth soccer players. Due to the intensity of soccer’s kicking, sprinting, fast changes in direction, and contact and the increase in year-round competition, both traumatic and overuse injuries can occur. Most soccer injuries occur in the lower extremities, particularly to the ankle, knee, and hamstrings. Physical therapists can help soccer players recover from injury safely through a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
Preventing Cross Country Injuries
Check out our 8 tips to prevent cross-country injuries! Cross country is an outdoor endurance sport that involves running along a trail of natural terrain. The repetitive impact of running on irregular natural terrain can heighten the risk of injury in cross-country runners. Following a training regimen that incorporates cross-training and targeted strengthening plays a crucial role in preventing cross country injuries during the season. A physical therapist can not only effectively treat any injuries that occur, but also help cross country runners prepare for a successful season through a customized exercise program.
July 2021 Newsletter
Check out our July 2021 Newsletter which highlights return to sport testing at Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, how to manage headaches and migraines with physical therapy, shin splints treatment with physical therapy, and the benefits of summer sports conditioning.
How to Heal Shin Splints with Physical Therapy
Shin splints are a common athletic injury, causing pain and tenderness in the shinbone and muscles. Shin splints often occur due to too much repetitive force placed on the shinbone and muscles too soon, particularly when athletes first begin a sports season. Physical therapy can help reduce pain, strengthen the affected muscles, and maintain fitness to help athletes return to sport safely. Check out our infographic to learn how to heal shin splints with physical therapy!
Physical Therapy for Common Running Injuries
Running has numerous benefits, including increased cardiovascular fitness and stronger muscles and joints. However, running injuries are a fairly common occurrence due to the repetitive stress that the act of running can place on certain joints and muscle groups. Physical therapists can help runners manage common injuries like runner’s knee and plantar fasciitis with personalized treatment that includes pain management, exercise rehabilitation, manual therapy, and body mechanic instruction.
How to Heal Shin Splints
Shin splints are one of the most common athletic injuries. A shin splint is an inflammatory condition of the shinbone that causes tenderness in the bones and muscles of the lower leg. Shin splints often occur due to repetitive force on the shinbone and muscles in athletes that recently started their sports season or suddenly increased the intensity and frequency of their workouts. Physical therapists work with athletes to safely address shin splints and strengthen muscle imbalances that may have contributed to the injury.