Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

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June 2024 Newsletter

Check out our June 2024 Newsletter, highlighting 7 benefits of exercise for individuals with arthritis, benefits of physical therapy after a stroke infographic, and physical therapy's role in osteoporosis management.

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Physical Therapy’s Role in Osteoporosis Management

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes decreased bone mineral density and changes in bone structure, leading to bones that are thin, porous, and brittle, and more susceptible to fractures. Factors, such as hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, a sedentary lifestyle, family history, and certain medications and diseases, can contribute to the development of osteoporosis. Physical therapy plays a critical role in managing osteoporosis, helping those with osteoporosis maintain and build bone density through a customized exercise program.

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Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis Management, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis Management, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Managing Osteoporosis with Physical Therapy

Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by low bone mineral density, decreased bone strength, and changes in bone structure that causes thin, brittle bones and an increased risk of bone fractures. Physical therapy plays a critical role in managing osteoporosis, helping those with osteoporosis maintain and build bone density through a customized therapeutic exercise program. Research has shown that aerobic and resistance exercise effectively stimulate bone osteogenesis in osteoporosis patients, improving bone density and reducing fall risk.

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Osteoporosis, Physical Therapy, Osteoporosis Management Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Osteoporosis, Physical Therapy, Osteoporosis Management Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Fighting Osteoporosis with Physical Therapy

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease characterized by low bone density, thin, brittle bones, decreased bone strength, and changes in bone structure that increase the risk of a bone fracture. Physical therapy can play a crucial role in managing osteoporosis and helping you maintain and build bone density through a customized therapeutic exercise program. Exercise places beneficial stress on your bones by directly loading the bone and increasing muscle mass, which places mechanical stress on the skeleton and strengthens your bones.

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Female Athlete Triad, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Women's Health Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Female Athlete Triad, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Women's Health Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Female Athlete Triad Physical Therapy

Female athlete triad involves three interrelated conditions: energy availability, bone mineral density, and the menstrual cycle. Energy availability is the cornerstone of the triad as low energy and nutrient deficiencies can lead to the development of low bone density and changes in the menstrual cycle in female athletes. Physical therapy can help to prevent or resolve female athlete triad, screening for triad risk as they treat female athletes, identify signs, address triad-related injuries, and educate athletes on proper health and fitness for their overall health and athletic training.

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