Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Cervicogenic Headache, Headaches, Physical Therapy, Neck Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Cervicogenic Headache, Headaches, Physical Therapy, Neck Pain Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy for Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are caused by musculoskeletal dysfunction in the neck that refers pain to the head through the nervous system. Cervicogenic headaches commonly affect one side of the head and can result from a traumatic injury to the cervical spine and neck muscles such as whiplash or due to muscle tension or strain from forward head posture. Physical therapy can reduce pain and address the underlying cause of cervicogenic headaches for sustainable headache management.

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Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

June 2022 Newsletter

Check out our June 2022 Newsletter that highlights the health benefits of exercise, the role of exercise in osteoporosis treatment, how physical therapy can relieve fibromyalgia symptoms, and migraine and headache awareness month.

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