Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

15 Physical Therapy Myths: Debunked

In honor of National Physical Therapy Month, we are debunking 15 common myths about physical therapy on the blog. October is a month to celebrate and recognize the dedication of each of our physical therapists and physical therapy assistants at Mangiarelli Rehabilitation. Our focus is providing patient-centered, evidence-based physical therapy treatment customized to each patient’s specific condition. However, there are a number of misconceptions about physical therapy and what physical therapists do that we address and explain today!

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Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Do You Need an MRI or X-Ray Before Physical Therapy?

The question of whether you need an MRI or an X-ray before physical therapy is a common one. The answer? No. In the vast majority of cases, you can begin physical therapy without undergoing a diagnostic MRI or an X-ray. Physical therapists can accurately diagnose your condition and address your specific symptoms to relieve pain and restore function without the high costs of imaging testing.

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