Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

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November 2023 Newsletter

Check out our November 2023 newsletter, highlighting managing Achilles tendinopathy with physical therapy, managing lymphedema after breast cancer, 3 posture training exercises to improve postural alignment, and understanding the science of pain.

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Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema, Lymphedema, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema, Lymphedema, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Managing Lymphedema After Breast Cancer with Physical Therapy

Women who undergo treatment for breast cancer are at a heightened risk of developing lymphedema as breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy can disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system. Lymphedema is a build-up of fluid under the skin due to inadequate drainage of the lymphatic system that leads to swelling in the affected area. Physical therapists play a key role in helping women manage breast cancer-related lymphedema, utilizing complete decongestive therapy to relieve pain, improve mobility and range of motion, and enhance overall quality of life.

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Manual Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Treatments Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Manual Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Treatments Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

What’s the Difference between Manual Therapy and Massage Therapy?

What is the difference between manual therapy and massage therapy? Often manual therapy and massage are used interchangeably despite the fact that there are fundamental differences. Physical therapists provide manual therapy, which is a hands-on treatment technique to regain movement, activate muscles, and reduce pain and inflammation. Manual therapy includes soft tissue and joint mobilizations, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, manual traction, cupping, dry needling, lymphedema, thrust manipulation, and strain-counter-strain techniques.

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Lymphedema, Physical Therapy, Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Lymphedema, Physical Therapy, Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema [Infographic]

Breast cancer-related lymphedema can develop in 1 in 5 breast cancer survivors following surgery or treatment that damages or removes lymph nodes. Lymphedema is a build-up of fluid under the skin due to inadequate drainage of the lymphatic system that leads to swelling in the affected area. A certified lymphedema physical therapist can help you manage lymphedema through complete decongestive therapy. Check out our infographic to learn more!

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Lymphedema, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Lymphedema, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Managing Lymphedema in Summer

Lymphedema is a condition that results in chronic swelling due to an abnormal collection of protein-rich fluid just below the skin often due to lymph vessel or node damage from cancer treatment, radiation, and surgery. The summer sun and summer heat can contribute to increased swelling and risk of infection in lymphedema patients. To prevent the worsening of lymphedema during the summer heat, check our tips to manage lymphedema this summer!

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Lymphedema, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Lymphedema, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Lymphedema Treatment at Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Lymphedema is a condition that results in chronic swelling due to an abnormal collection of fluid just below the skin, limiting mobility and causing aching in the affected limb. Physical therapy provides effective treatment and management of lymphedema through complete decongestive therapy. In today’s blog, Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Sue, explains what lymphedema is and how it is treated through complete decongestive therapy (CDT).

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Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

November 2020 Newsletter

Check out our November 2020 newsletter that covers our recent clinic renovations and ribbon-cutting event, patient spotlight on back surgery recovery, concussion infographic, and lymphedema treatment after breast cancer.

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Lymphedema Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Lymphedema Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

How to Manage Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Treatment

Lymphedema is a common side effect of breast cancer surgery that physical therapy is equipped to effectively treat and manage. Lymphedema is a build-up of fluid under the skin due to inadequate drainage of the lymphatic system and leads to swelling in the affected area. A certified lymphedema therapist uses complete decongestive therapy to decrease swelling, drain built-up fluid, and improve quality of life for patients with lymphedema.

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Physical Therapy, Lymphedema Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy, Lymphedema Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Lymphedema: How Physical Therapy Can Help

Lymphedema is an abnormal build-up of protein-rich fluid under the skin. It is a common, progressive, and serious condition. Symptoms include aching or feeling of heaviness in the arm or leg, swelling in the extremities, mobility limitations, and repeated infections. A certified lymphedema physical therapist is an important component of the medical team managing the condition. At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, our certified lymphedema physical therapist performs Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) to treat lymphedema; this includes manual lymphatic drainage, skincare, decongestive exercises, and compression therapy.

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