Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog

Return to Work vs. Return to Sport

Return to work and return to sport programs share the same goal: that the worker and athlete can safely return to work or athletic competition and can meet the demands of the job or sport with sufficient strength, power, and endurance. Physical therapists play a key role in helping injured workers and athletes recover from injury and prepare for a successful return to the job or sports field through a gradual, progressive RTW or RTS training program and objective testing. Rehabilitation for return to work (RTW) and return to sport (RTS) is customized to the patient’s specific needs, duties, and necessary skills to ensure the patient can succeed upon their return to work or sport.

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Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Newsletter Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

October 2021 Newsletter

Check out our October 2021 Newsletter that highlights the benefits of work conditioning, tips to avoid raking injuries this autumn, debunking common myths about knee pain, our fall donation drive for kid’s toys, and celebrating National Physical Therapy Month!

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What is Work Conditioning and What Are Its Benefits?

Work conditioning is a customized program for the injured worker designed to help the worker regain strength, mobility, motor control, aerobic capacity, and functional skills to safely return to work. Upon completion of the work conditioning program, the physical therapist conducts a functional capacity test to determine the injured worker’s readiness to return to work. Work conditioning reduces the risk of a worker’s re-injury and provides the worker and employer the confidence that the worker can make a safe, sustainable return to work.

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Physical Therapy for Wrist and Hand Injuries

Wrist and hand injuries are common as the complex structure of the wrist and hand are susceptible to irritation from overuse at work or sport or from excessive force placed on the wrist or hand when breaking a fall. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for wrist and hand injuries, helping control swelling and restoring range of motion, strength, and ability in the wrist and hand through manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and functional training.

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Industrial Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Industrial Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Industrial Rehabilitation [Infographic]

At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, we provide a comprehensive industrial rehabilitation program for injured workers to support their recovery and return to full functional capacity and strength. We work together with the injured worker’s physician, case manager, and all those involved in their care and recovery to minimize limitations and decrease time away from work. Check out our infographic to learn more about industrial rehabilitation at Mangiarelli Rehabilitation!

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Worker's Compensation Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Worker's Compensation Mangiarelli Rehabilitation

Worker’s Compensation: Physical Therapy & the Return to Work

A work injury can cause an abrupt and unexpected change in your life and creates a sense of uncertainty about your future. At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, we are here to walk through this uncertain time with you, help you achieve optimal recovery, and safely support you in your return to work in a timely manner. We work closely with your physician, case manager, and all those involved with your care and recovery. The team works together to minimize your limitations and decrease your time away from work. Physical therapy along with your doctor’s medical intervention can help to reduce symptoms and pain.

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